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New posts in link-to

Rails link_to object interpolation with url instead of path

ruby-on-rails link-to

Why is embedded ruby not working in a static page in public folder?

symfony link_to in action

Ruby on Rails - Passing values to a link_to

Rails: Prevent XSS when using link_to with model attribute given to href

Rails link_to and audio_tag

How do you pass multiple arguments to nested route paths in Rails?

Rails 3 - How to send data on link_to :remote=>true?

Rails3 - How to send Javascript Variable to a controller's action with the link_to helper?

rails 4 with link_to and method post with strong parameters

Rails: Use URL Helper in Observer

How to generate a `link_to` URL passing some custom parameters?

Rails RESTful Routing With '/' and Slugs

ruby-on-rails rest link-to

Rails 5 - in link_to, how to pass a nil (NULL) param?

Button_to in Ruby on Rails bad route

link_to image_tag with options (rel, title)

ruby-on-rails ruby link-to

Rails link_to: Do something after confirmation

Rails 'link_to' to Download An Image Immediately Instead of Opening it in the Browser

Rails 3 - link_to with image_tag + text

undefined method 'link_to'