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How can you pass a parameter from an action to the layout in Symfony

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Choosing routing.yml based on user culture?

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Why is my controller requesting frontend_dev.php in Symfony?

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Type casting of class variables in PHP/Symfony/Netbeans

how to remove the "new" link in doctrine admin generator

symfony doctrine:build --all --and-load WITHOUT LOSING RECORDS IN DATABASE

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Templating systems for Symfony 1.4

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Is Symfony2 Preview Release Ready For Production?

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PHP's PDO loop returning all excluding first row

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symfony - returning JSON from a peer method call in an action

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How to write asynchronous web service run in background php

Dynamic menu with symfony in template

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How do I save an array of data in a cookie with Symfony?

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Using netbeans, xdebug, symfony and phpunit together

Migrating from one PHP framework to another

Performing Join with Multiple Criteria in Propel 1.5

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How to install a plugin in symfony 1.4 with or without PEAR?

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Doctrine DQL: condition on left join

Symfony 1.4: Storing an array in session with SetAttribute