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symfony - returning JSON from a peer method call in an action

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PHP Database writing performance PDO VS ORM

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Propel 2: Using a subquery as the value for a virtual column

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setting propel by default to date format getDate("Y-m-d"), to work better with zend toArray()

Performing Join with Multiple Criteria in Propel 1.5

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JavaScript: Backbone.js populate collection of models

How to order by multiple columns with propel

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Clear propel cache (instance pool)

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symfony 1.4 propel 1.6 : sum

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What do you consider before refactoring code?

propel refactoring amfphp

Propel how to generate UPPERCASE columns

php propel

What's the most correct way around this propel "Cannot redeclare function" error?

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Why must we assign a clone to a new variable?

Symfony app - how to add calculated fields to Propel objects?

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Why does propel convert float property to string?

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Propel and Composer in PHP: no connection

Using the Propel ORM, how would one delete all related records of an object?

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Is Propel's fromArray/fromJSON feature safe from SQL injection?

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Installing Propel behaviours with Composer

Twig instanceof for inheritance objects