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Propel, Add alias to select statement

php propel symfony-2.1

Install propel using composer

php propel composer-php

Unable to use Propel 2 (Class not found)

php orm propel

In symfony, how to set the value of a form field?

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sfguard bundle for symfony2

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Switch symfony 1.4 from Doctrine to Propel

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How to specify defaultValue to "now" for a timestamp column in Propel?

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How can I get extra columns when hydrating Propel objects with custom SQL?

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Do not work ParamConverter with "fos_rest.request_body" converter

Is there a good comparison of Doctrine vs Propel?

MySQL Match ... Against query very slow

php mysql propel

Multiple variable connections with Propel and Symfony2

symfony propel

UNION query with Propel ORM

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Propel - No connection defined for database "default"


Adding related items using Sonata Admin and Propel

symfony propel sonata-admin

Is it possible to remove fields with *RECURSION* when using toArray() in Propel?

php propel propel2

phing installed but "not found" and not in pear list

Using ORM classes directly from the controller in MVC, bad practice?

php orm doctrine propel

Count and group-by with Propel

php symfony1 propel

Use of closing database connection in php