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Unable to use Propel 2 (Class not found)





I'm tryng from several days to setup and use Propel now 2.0. PHP version is 5.4.4-14+deb7u5

What I have done:

0) Fresh LAMP with a folder "test" in /var/www

1) Composer.json with

    "require": {
        "propel/propel": "2.0.*@dev"

(also tried with the alpha indicated in home page, no success, download but i cannot use)

2) It download all necessary files.

3) I can launch "vendor/bin/propel" and it exit after some green text.

4) I create the schema.xml with foreign keys indicated in http://propelorm.org/documentation/02-buildtime.html

5) I set up buildtime.cconfiguration

6) I can create the sql:build and the model:build (I find the bookstore.sql in generated-sql and the classes in generated-classes)

7) I CANNOT insert the sql. I launch sql:insert, no error at screen but no insert in database (connection/password is okay, double checked).

8) I load myself SQL in database.

9) I create an index.php with this:

// setup the autoloading
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Propel\Runtime\Propel;
use Propel\Runtime\Connection\ConnectionManagerSingle;
$serviceContainer = Propel::getServiceContainer();
$serviceContainer->setAdapterClass('bookstore', 'mysql');
$manager = new ConnectionManagerSingle();
$manager->setConfiguration(array (
  'dsn'      => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=my_db_name',
  'user'     => 'my_db_user',
  'password' => 's3cr3t',
$serviceContainer->setConnectionManager('bookstore', $manager);

echo 'All ok, for now...';

$author = new Author();

/* /end of php file */ 

The echo is printed normally but next row script exit with error 500 and in Apache log I read "Class author not found".

Is there some other config to adjust other than indicate in the guide?

like image 615
sineverba Avatar asked Nov 02 '13 10:11


1 Answers

I resolved a similar situation by adding this to my composer.json and then running install again.

 "autoload": { 
      "classmap": ["generated-classes/"] 
like image 81
jerrygarciuh Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 05:10
