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Propel, Add alias to select statement

I'm using propel master-dev with symfony 2.1. Is possible to write something like that ? Else how can I add an alias to the select statement.

    $products = ProdottinewQuery::create()
                     'Alberocategorie.nomeeng' => 'category',
                     'Prodotticolori.coloreeng' => 'color',
                     'Brand.brand' => 'brand',
                     'Prodottimateriali.materialeeng' => 'material',
                     'Prodottigroffatura.groffaturaeng' => 'groffage'))
like image 624
originof Avatar asked Jun 19 '12 10:06


1 Answers


    $products = ProdottinewQuery::create()
      ->withColumn('Alberocategorie.nomeeng', 'category')  
      ->withColumn('Prodotticolori.coloreeng', 'color')
      ->withColumn('Brand.brand', 'brand')
      ->withColumn('Prodottimateriali.materialeeng', 'material')
      ->withColumn('Prodottigroffatura.groffaturaeng', 'groffage')
like image 81
originof Avatar answered Dec 26 '22 12:12
