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Symfony2 + Propel Collection undefined offset: 2

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Increment value in database using Propel

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Laravel (Eloquent) Table || Peer equivalent

How to add an autocomplete field in a Symfony2 form for a collection and using Propel?

How to Zend Framework with Propel ORM

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How to get object by "id" from propel object collection?

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Select all fields where fieldone is not equal to null + Propel

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Propel ORM - Joining unrelated tables

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PropelORM v1 multiple databases

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Propel PostgreSQL Migration unable to find adapter

Which ORM to use with Symfony2? [closed]

Storing a serialized object in MySql database

Weaknesses and forces of Doctrine 2 and Propel 1.6 [closed]

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symfony 1.4 propel:build-all not working on Mysql 5.5

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Propel form type model w. group_by is rendered without property display

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"User follows" with PropelORM - Three way relationship

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Propel: Get Raw SQL from Query object?

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PHP ORMs: Doctrine vs. Propel

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