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New posts in fosrestbundle

Processing Query Strings?

How to generate custom routes for some actions with FOSRESTBundle?

FOSRestBundle and JMS Serializer, error when geting JSON

Symfony2 FOSRESTBundle REST API to return PDF

php symfony fosrestbundle

FosRestbundle keeps sending text/html as response and we are expecting json.

php json symfony fosrestbundle

FOSRestBundle: show my custom exception message

symfony/FOSRestBundle : empty JSON response (using the symfony embodied serializer)

Nelmio Api Doc Bundle: Documentating required Parameters

How to work correctly with Forms, FOS Rest Bundle and many to many relations in Symfony2

How to properly do a REST API POST call using FOSRest and Symfony 3.0

php rest fosrestbundle symfony

Symfony2 + FOSRestBundle: Enable/disable REST functionality per controller/action?

Symfony 2 - FOSUserBundle - how to integrate in API

JMSSerializer and FOSRestBundle - Annotations not working. "Does not exist"

Symfony Serializer issue - NotNormalizableValueException

How to exclude an api route from symfony2 firewall based on method

rest symfony fosrestbundle

CORS with Symfony, jQuery, FOSRestBundle and NelmioCorsBundle