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New posts in doctrine-odm

FOSRestBundle and JMS Serializer, error when geting JSON

Doctrine Mongodb ODM and DateTime query

Testing for unset or missing fields in MongoDB

Why does composer complain about the ext-mongo extension?

Query document based on a reference to a cached object

php doctrine doctrine-odm

Doctrine+MongoDB - How to query for documents with array that's not empty

php doctrine-odm

Doctrine MongoDB result caching

Doctrine ODM and schema-less design

Zend Framework 2 + Doctrine ODM, "The Class was not found in the chain configured namespaces" error?

Doctrine ODM MongoDB - Replicate a simple One to Many Reference with Constraint

Using Doctrine's MongoDB ODM - How do I find documents by embedded documents' fields?

doctrine mongodb intallation error through composer

How do I update embedded documents in Doctrine MongoDB?

PHP Mongo: Notice: Mongo::__construct(): parsing servers

doctrine2 order by array with ids

How to integrate ZF2 with Doctrine Mongo ODM? [closed]

MongoDB/doctrine: can't nest $or in $and

MongoException: zero-length keys are not allowed, did you use $ with double quotes?

Doctrine2 Entites - Is it possible to compare a "dirty" object to one from the database

Symfony there are no commands defined in the "make" namespace