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Python marshmallow blob/bytes field

Why was mongoose designed in this way?

Creating a model in nodejs without an ORM or ODM

Zend Framework 2 + Doctrine ODM, "The Class was not found in the chain configured namespaces" error?

How to use Mongoose in Meteor?

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Doctrine MongoDB use without ODM

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Is it possible to use sort() on multiple fields in Doctrine 2 ODM?

MongoDB - Query conundrum - Document refs or subdocument

php70-mongo install doctrine/mongodb-odm fails

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Doctrine MongoDB ODM search in two or more fields

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Mongoose.model vs Connection.model vs Model.model

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Nodejs Object Document Model for Redis

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Mongoose ODM, change variables before saving

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Querying array elements with Mongo

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convert javascript plain object into model class instance

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Mongoid or MongoMapper? [closed]

MongoDB/Mongoose querying at a specific date?

What is the difference between an ORM and an ODM?

database orm odm