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New posts in mongomapper

Find documents including element in Array field with mongomapper?

ruby mongodb mongomapper

MongoMapper near with maxDistance - Mongo::OperationFailure: geo values have to be numbers:

Does MongoMapper (or any other Mongodb adapter) have a method like "accepts_nested_attributes_for"?

Why does collections.find({}) takes over 9 secs for 250 objects (MongoMapper)

reloading tire/elasticsearch mappings for a model that already has data stored

How to return popped element in mongodb

mongodb mongomapper

Doctrine ODM and schema-less design

Ruby Sinatra - connect to mongoDB on mongoHQ failed

Mongomapper: copy a document into a new document


Use Yaml for MongoMapper Config

yaml mongomapper

Combine MongoDB and Postgresql in Rails?

Migrating from mongodb to postgresql in rails

Upsert Multiple Records with MongoDb

Creating a form for editing embedded documents with MongoMapper

MongoMapper docs

ruby mongodb mongomapper

MongoMapper: How do you save a model instance bypassing validations but not callbacks?

validation mongomapper

MongoMapper: finding all documents created on a specified date

ruby mongodb mongomapper