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Calling stored JavaScript function in MongoDB from PHP

Why is not the MongoId 12-byte long but the 24-byte?

php mongodb mongodb-php

mongodb geoNear + additional filters?

mongodb mongodb-php

PHP: Is it bad design to serialize objects and stick them in the database for later?

Mongodb php query, search in array?

php mongodb mongodb-php

Is there a mongodb-backed user authentication library for codeigniter?

What happens when connections to MongoDB are not closed?

php mongodb mongodb-php

How to query mongo in php?

php mongodb mongodb-php

MongoDB insert field to existing document if does not already exist

mongodb mongodb-php

PHP MongoDB update multiple documents using $in/$or

php mongodb mongodb-php

MongoDB multiple $and operators query in PHP

php mongodb mongodb-php

mongodb aggregation framework group by two fields

RockMongo fatal error

php mongodb mongodb-php

Query With Projection In MongoDB, PHP Syntax?

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MongoCursorException 'couldn't get response header'

php mongodb mongodb-php

MongoDB 2.6 Index set up, query using $or, $in, with limit and sort

PHP Mongo: Notice: Mongo::__construct(): parsing servers

how to integrate mongodb library in codeigniter for database connection with mongodb

codeigniter mongodb-php

Getting the logger working in Doctrine MongoDB ODM?

PHP Child class Magic __isset works but __get doesn't