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Dynamically inherit all Python magic methods from an instance attribute

About PHP Magic Methods __get and __set on inheritance

using "extends CAction" class of Yii framework

php yii magic-methods

__instancecheck__ - overwrite shows no effect - what am I doing wrong?

Difference between php __set(), __get and simple seting, getting function

php oop magic-methods

Magic Methods php, __call __get and __set?

php get set call magic-methods

Confusing class and method call in OpenCart

php opencart magic-methods

Equality Comparison with NumPy Instance Invokes `__bool__`

__getitem__, __setitem__ multiple keys

Possible to test if a variable is static in PHP?

Creating Yii FormModel objects (CFormModel) dynamically

__dict__ Attribute of Ultimate Base Class, object in Python

C# 4.0 - Does calling a protected method on a dynamic object call TryInvokeMember()?

c# dynamic magic-methods

Pre-increment in PHP with magic get and set defined

Python Square Root for Class Instances

python magic-methods

How to hide __methods__ in python?

How to make inline array initialization work like e.g. Dictionary initialization?

Is there a way to return a custom value for min and max in Python?

PHP Child class Magic __isset works but __get doesn't