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New posts in fosuserbundle


php symfony fosuserbundle

Vendor updates broke FOS User Bundle with "Call to a member function has() on a non-object"

php symfony fosuserbundle

In Symfony2 and FOSUserBundle, override the login_check

FOS User Bundle Form Override

symfony fosuserbundle

Override FOSUserBundle routes Symfony2

symfony fosuserbundle

SonataAdminBundle can not update the user password

Change default Login page in FOSUserBundle (Symfony)

Impossible to generate the table "user"

Symfony2 - fos create super admin custom field required

Symfony2 FOSUserBundle File Upload (Profile Pic) Tips?

How to check if a username/password combination is valid for FOS UserBundle

symfony fosuserbundle

Disable SonataUserBundle sonata.user.admin.group service

fos user: allow route to many roles even if user have just one role

FOSUserBundle doesn't translate with trans_default_domain

Custom FOSUserBundle Login Template using Bootstrap

Symfony impersonation - separate firewalls and separate user providers

FOSUser Bundle The child node "db_driver" at path "fos_user" must be configured

php symfony fosuserbundle

Undefined method registerNamespaces() symfony2

FOSUserBundle - How to redirect already logged-in users when trying to access the login_path

Symfony2.4 SonataAdminBundle Logout error: You must activate the logout in your security firewall configuration