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New posts in jmsserializerbundle

JMS Serializer not reading config when running PHPUnit tests in Symfony2

@JMS\Exclude only if a property is empty

Symfony: How to make JMS Serializer works with strict types?

Nelmio Api Doc Bundle: Documentating required Parameters

Advice for implementing field whitelists with Symfony/FosRestBundle/JMS Serializer

JMS Serializer not serializing child classes

You have requested a non-existent service "jms_serializer"

JMS serializer how to handle serialization manually?

FOSUserBundle + JMSSerializerBundle + exposing extra fields

Symfony Restful Post: JMSSerializerBundle vs Symfony Form Components

JMSSerializer and FOSRestBundle - Annotations not working. "Does not exist"

Format input and output fields with JMSSerializer (handle single property)


Serialize POST request body into array with FOSRestBundle

JMS serializer yml datetime format

JMSSerializerBundle complex generated value

symfony2 JMSSerializerBundle deserialize entity with OneToMany association

JMSSerializerBundle. no control over third party meta data

Serialize Doctrine array containing objects using inheritance