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New posts in data-annotations

ShortName in the Display attribute (DataAnnotations)

Why does Entity Framework try to insert existing entity?

How to override default required error message

asp.net MVC extending DataAnnotions

How should I annotate CreatedOn and ModifiedOn columns with EF 4.1?

ASP.Net MVC: Can you use Data Annotations / Validation with an AJAX / jQuery call?

Is it possible to use a variable for the `[Display(Name="Something")]` data annotation in MVC3 (C#)

Asp.net Web Api nested model validation

Entity Framework 6 Reusing Data Annotations

How to create custom validation attribute?

c# data-annotations

One out of 2 properties should be null (EntityFramework Code First)

Globally localize validation

Custom Validation Not Executing

c# c#-4.0 data-annotations

Is it possible NOT to use data annotations attributes ServiceStack OrmLite?

How to show Display Name for foreign key fields in ASP.NET MVC

Add message to context.result

Does MaxLength data annotation work with List<T>?

Custom Model Validator for Integer value in ASP.NET Core Web API

Why use primary keys?

MVC3 Add & Display Message through ModelState