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New posts in resx

Using .Resx files for global application messages?

asp.net resx

Is it possible to use a variable for the `[Display(Name="Something")]` data annotation in MVC3 (C#)

.resx Localization not working with ASP.Net - C#

c# asp.net localization resx

Is it possible to use resx files for different languages in a windows forms application?

c# visual-studio resx

resx resource file shows warning "The resource name is not a valid identifier"

Invalid .resx file after renamed namespace

EF Code First Migrations causing CA1701 and CA1703

Can I create non-language based global .resx?

Is there any .NET standard for dealing with localization yet allowing the users to customize the texts?

asp.net localization resx

Localization in MonoDroid

How do I nest resource identifiers?

.net msdn resx

How to use .resx and .resource files in custom server control asp?

c# asp.net resx resgen

Using Resources (resx) Inside a ClassLibrary, that can be changed without recompiling

c# .net resources resx

How do I prevent foreign language resource generation by overriding MSBuild targets?

Can't find "Resources" file in wpf

c# wpf xaml resources resx

Xamarin.mac Resources localization doesn't change by current culture