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Helpers in Rails 4

ruby-on-rails-4 helper

Error C2026: string too big, trailing characters truntraced

Why aren't rails helpers more object-oriented?

ruby-on-rails oop helper

Converting Rails 3 to Rails 2: helpers with blocks

Change default Rails text_area helper rows/cols

ruby-on-rails helper

Zend are view variable available inside view helpers?

php zend-framework view helper

Ruby on Rails - Using helpers inside css erb file gives undefined method

Is there a time ahead words in rails (opposite of time_ago_in_words)

ruby-on-rails helper

Remove ":" from the ruby on rails time_select helper output?

ruby on rails application wide method in helper vs. controller?

Passing data from CakePHP component to a helper

cakephp helper

limit text using str_limit function in Laravel 5.5

What should the declaration of a helper class, with only static methods, be?

java static helper

include .phtml zend

php zend-framework view helper

Adding Data.php Helper in Magento got error

Stub helper method for request spec in rails / rspec

deeply nested content_tag, concat and rails 3

Looking for DependencyProperty.Register shortcut

wpf properties helper

codeigniter - input form placeholder

codeigniter text input helper