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New posts in puppet

Submodules in puppet?


How to properly auto-scale AWS EC2 Instances group in a relatively complex infrastructures?

Have puppet conditionally execute multiple commands

mysql puppet

exec command unless directory exists in puppet

ruby puppet

Puppet: cron schedule - "is not a valid hour" error

syntax cron puppet

Puppet code to download extract and install


How to show a summary of the last puppet agent run?

configuration config puppet

puppet chown/chmod against files under a directory in batch


Puppet, how to use the exec return value as a trigger?

puppet exit

Error: Could not run: SSL_connect SYSCALL returned=5 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read finished A

ssl puppet

How do I build and install a Puppet module locally from source?

build module puppet

Puppet like syntax for python

python puppet

How to make sure the running order of puppet classes?

ruby deployment puppet

Uninstall foreman [closed]

ruby puppet theforeman

Increasing tomcat memory using puppet

tomcat tomcat7 puppet

Puppet can't find the module that I just installed

linux module puppet

Puppet cannot find class


How to Require Another Custom Class Using Puppet


Inline if statement for puppet parameters


Iterate over a deeply nested hiera hash in puppet manifest

puppet hiera