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New posts in asset-pipeline

Rails asset pipeline Rails.application.assets.instance_variable_get('@environment') returns nil

Background images with asset pipeline

Sprockets not loading manifest files (jQuery, jQuery_ujs)

Sass::SyntaxError: File to import not found or unreadable: compass in production

Redirect location includes ":80" when X-Forwarded-Proto is https

ExecJS problem compiling Rails 3.1 assets

Rails 3.1: Dynamic linking to images in the asset pipeline?

Using the asset pipeline with file groups

Asset Pipeline Not Compiling On Local Server

Why does rails precompile task do non-digest assets

ActionView::Template::Error (highcharts.js isn't precompiled)

How can I force Rails to precompile SCSS stylesheets?

Loading different Javascript files in Rails based on environment

Bootstrap CSS loading with bootstrap-sass, other CSS won't load

Standard way to include Javascript files in app?

javascript_include_tag :application loads javascripts twice in development environment

Adding custom folder to asset pipeline in Grails

grails asset-pipeline

Rails 3.1 Asset pipeline - IE not loading all stylesheets in development

include a JS file outside the asset pipeline in rails 3.1?

Rails 3.1 Possible Bug in Asset Pipeline and Uglifier