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New posts in authlogic

How can I use mock models in AuthLogic controller specs?

"uninitialized constant Authlogic"

extending email confirmation to Authlogic

Authlogic with sinatra?

How can I skip email validation with Authlogic in Rails?

what is the omniauth & email-password registration best practice?

How to install authlogic in Rails 3?

How can I add the first user to a Rails application that uses Authlogic, Devise, etc.?

prepopulating admin user in database with authlogic rails plugin

Rails Cucumber Testing With a LDAP Server

autologin in authlogic Rails

ruby-on-rails authlogic

Authlogic admin subsite

Rails 3 Authlogic - 'acts_as_authentic' undefined

session generator not working for Authlogic in Rails 3.Help me out !

Authlogic_OpenID - "uninitialized constant Rack::OpenID"

How do I write and test password changes when using Authlogic?

Rails 3 authentication with OpenID, Twitter or Facebook