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New posts in ruby-on-rails-2

Reverse Engineering (Generating) Tables or Database Schema from Models and Views in Ruby on Rails

Failed to push to Heroku (Ruby 2.3.4)

running multiple rails websites using phusion passenger 3.0.17 with nginx

setting primary key for a database not named ":id"

Setting up Capybara for Rails 2.3 and Rspec

Using named_scope with counts of child models

Ruby Net::HTTP - Stop automatically escaping quotes?

What is the difference between using ? and % when sanitizing fields in ActiveRecord?

Rails render partial in a loop

Flash message showing twice when using redirect_to (Rails 2)

Rails - How do I use application.html.erb in my custom layout?

Can't run rails 2.x app

What happen if i use ruby version 2.5.1 with rails version 2.3.18?

Rails 2.3 and rspec-rails compatability

Rails legacy app and Ruby 2 error: can not load translations from the file type yml is not known

ruby-on-rails-2 ruby-2.1

How can I iterate through an array in rails view?

rvmrc file not working

What is the EOL (End of Life) for Rails 2.3?

Generate URL for file in /public in Rails 2 ERB view


Force SSL using ssl_requirement in Rails 2 app