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Sequelize Js - Create new database if its not exists

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Loop through 2 model objects at once rails

Installing mysql2 gem on Mac os x Lion

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Is it possible to change the selected database with the Mysql2 gem?

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Mysql2::Error: Can't read dir - after reinstall of mysql from homebrew on OS X

How to obtain result as array of Hashes in Ruby (mysql2 gem)

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Ruby, MySQL2: check if the result is empty

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mysql2 TypeError: f.ClientHandshake is not a constructor

mysql2 gem installed fine but still getting "Please install the myslq2 adapter..." when running "rake db:migrate"

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Error installing Mysql2 gem- 10.6 Server

-Fatal- failed to allocate memory - Rails 3.1 and Mysql2 Gem

LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE causes Malformed packet error with mysql2 gem

Installing MySQL2 Gem on Windows

Mysql2::Error (Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)):

ruby-on-rails mysql2

Migration to create table raises Mysql2::Error: Table doesn't exist

Cannot install mysql2 gem for Rails project

ruby-on-rails mysql2