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Mysql2::Client::LONG_PASSWORD (NameError)

ruby-on-rails mysql2

Mysql2: close client connection

Bundler ignoring install of MySQL2 gem when run on my 'production' server

Ruby mysql2 multiple statements in single query

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Cannot install mysql2 0.3.14 gem

how do I perform transactions with ruby mysql2

Bundle install installs gems in ./mysql2 folder

Rails & MySQL on Apple Silicon

Ruby / MySQL fetching single row but still using .each?

mysql ruby mysql2

How can I iterate through an array in rails view?

Error When Changing to MySQL2 on Heroku

Problem with Rails 3 and MySQL related to JSON dependency in ActiveSupport

How do I install mysql2 gem under Ruby 1.9.3? Works under 2.0.0

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Determine mysql2 server version using mysql2 Ruby gem

ruby-on-rails ruby mysql2

how to set mysql2 timezone option to remove query warning

ruby mysql2

Can't get mysql2 gem to work with MAMP2 and RVM on Lion, Rails3 app

mysql2: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib after homebrew update

openssl macos-mojave mysql2

Get ActiveRecord MySQL Query result as a hash, not array

activerecord mysql2

Unable to install mysql2 gem OS X Mountain Lion

How to use "mysql2" gem in Rails 3 application on Windows 7?