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New posts in named-scope

Rails order based on association

ruby-on-rails named-scope

named_scope and .first?

Using named_scope with counts of child models

Why does Rails generate duplicate SQL conditions when using scopes with associations?

is there a way to mix rails named scopes and thinking sphinx scopes?

How to get the currently active tf.variable_scope in TensorFlow?

tensorflow named-scope

How to have multiple conditions in a named scope?

Rails 3 complex associations using nested_has_many_through

What is Object::private and Object::public in Ruby?

Rails 3 default scope, scope with override

Is there a way to combine named scopes into a new named scope?

Rails 4 — How to populate a user model from JSON API?

SQLAlchemy equivalent of named scopes in ActiveRecord

Ruby on Rails: Nested named scopes

Dagger2: Component cannot depend on multiple scoped components

Rails ActiveRecord Scope that is the "opposite" of another scope, or is users that "lack" a property

Reusing named_scope to define another named_scope

Named_scope in rails unique records?

Encapsulating SQL in a named_scope