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New posts in rails-models

Subclassing activerecord and maintain subclass after db fetch

How do I Create a Rails Model from a Subset of Table Records

nested has_many :through in rails 3

Ruby on rails - access model data within another model [closed]

Undefined method for nil class in Rspec test

Rails belongs_to not validating id when optional

How to have multiple conditions in a named scope?

Namespacing models in a Rails application

Test Migrations are not running with my Rails Engine, even though `maintain_test_schema!` is specified

Rails multiple belongs_to for same class

locking rows on rails update to avoid collisions. (Postgres back end)

In Ruby on Rails, if we generated a model "Animal", and now want to have "Dog", how should we do it?

has_one and has_many in same model. How does rails track them?

Ruby on Rails: how to migrate changes made on models?

Nested attributes for belongs_to association rails

Rails: Invalid single-table inheritance type error

Specify an optional reference in your Rails model

How to add sequences to a migration and use them in a model?

In Rails, how should I implement a Status field for a Tasks app - integer or enum?

Shared models between two Rails apps - what is the ideal solution for Workflow?