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New posts in rails-engines

How to develop a Rails3 engine against a real app, using RSpec?

Custom Views Scaffolding in Rails Engines

Building Rails 3 Engine Throwing Gem::Package::TooLongFileName Error

How do I get my dummy app to use the Engine's template engine?

Multiple Rails engine rspec controller test not work

How to override Rails app routes from an engine?

Setting default_url_options for mounted Rails engine

importmap-rails in Rails 7, is this possible?

Restricting access to a Rails Engine's routes...constraints not working

Using another gem's javascript in a Rails Engine

Where is App::Application.load_tasks defined? [closed]

Rails 4 Use Factory Girl factories from Engine

Rails Engine - File to import not found or unreadable: font-awesome

Plugin vs Engine in Rails 3, shipped as a gem

Rails app to engine