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How do I Create a Rails Model from a Subset of Table Records

I am trying to create several models that all pull from the same table. How do I limit the table records in each model? And before you tell me to change my data structure, this is a reporting application that is pulling from a preexisting backing DB over which I have no control.

My table looks something like:

id vehicle_type name
1  Car          Foo
2  Car          Bar
3  Motorcycle   Baz
4  Car          Barf

And I want to build models for Car and Motorcycle like:

class Car < ActiveRecord::Base
  set_table_name 'Vehicle_Table'



class Motorcycle < ActiveRecord::Base
  set_table_name 'Vehicle_Table'


But I have no idea how to say, "Hey Active Record, I only want records where vehicle_type = motorcycle in the motorcycle model."

I'm sure this is friggin' obvious, but all of my Google searches return ways to FIND subsets in a model rather than RESTRICT a model to a specific subset of records.

like image 979
Bruce P. Henry Avatar asked Feb 21 '23 11:02

Bruce P. Henry

2 Answers

This is called Single Table Inheritance (STI).

If you had a column named type in your table, it would likely work automatically. But you can change this column name that Rails uses to tell types apart.


Single table inheritance

Active Record allows inheritance by storing the name of the class in a column that by default is named “type” (can be changed by overwriting Base.inheritance_column). This means that an inheritance looking like this:

class Company < ActiveRecord::Base; end
class Firm < Company; end
class Client < Company; end
class PriorityClient < Client; end

When you do Firm.create(:name => "37signals"), this record will be saved in the companies table with type = “Firm”. You can then fetch this row again using Company.where(:name => '37signals').first and it will return a Firm object.

So, try this code

class Car < ActiveRecord::Base
  set_table_name 'Vehicle_Table'
  self.inheritance_column = :vehicle_type
like image 75
Sergio Tulentsev Avatar answered Feb 24 '23 00:02

Sergio Tulentsev

Commented above but had limited editing abilities. I came across this exact problem and found the second half of the solution elsewhere. STI will allow you to get a subset of a table based on a column in the table but it will key off of the class name to find the records for that class. For example:

class Company < ActiveRecord::Base; end    
class Client < Company; end

This will look at the table named Company for records that have the value 'Client' in a column named 'Type'.

You can override the column that STI checks by doing

class Company < ActiveRecord::Base
  self.inheritance_column = :company_type

But it still looks for that column to contain 'Client'. You can override what value it looks for by doing this:

class Client < Company
  def self.sti_name

This will now look at the company_type column for rows with a value of 1.

For Rails-4.2 this is nearly identical but does not need a class method:


  self.inheritance_column = :company_type

  def sti_name
like image 45
BaroldGene Avatar answered Feb 24 '23 02:02
