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New posts in belongs-to

Has_many, belongs_to with multiple foreign keys

RoR 3 - Finding a list of parents from group of children

Rails Form with belongs_to Association

Saving a model with multiple foreign keys in Laravel 4

How to create "two-side" many-to-many relationships in Rails?

Grails (GORM) Many-To-One Cascade Delete Behaviour

ActiveRecord Associations: Any gotchas if has_many WITHOUT corresponding belongs_to?

In Rails, how can I retrieve the object on a belongs_to association, without going through the database?

How can I minimize the 'contain' queries in CakePHP?

Laravel belongsTo with condition and eager load

Optional or Conditional model associations in Rails

ruby on rails - how to make relationship works in route, controller, view ? has_many, belongs_to

Product orders between 2 users

belongs_to with a custom class_name not producing proper foreign key in Rails 3

Can't get accepts_nested_attributes_for to work for two levels deep?

How to filter by foreign id and local attribute via belongs_to?

ruby sinatra belongs-to

ExtJS 4: Understanding hasMany and belongsTo

Can "touch" be used on a belongs_to polymorphic relationship in Rails?

Setting a :has_many :through association on a belongs_to association Ruby on Rails