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are refs overriden or inherited in extjs?

Formatting numbers through ExtJS or javascript

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add combo box editor in grid header in ExtJS

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How to enable console.log in ExtJs

Extjs4- Giving a default sort for a column after grid is loaded

Extjs 4 - Button menu item click


extjs 4.1.1 - Pagination in grid on local data

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how to get record from store selecting row in grid?

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How to calculate total of one field in the store

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Ext JS 4.1 MessageBox with text validation

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Extjs 4 - Panel vs Window

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ExtJS 4 - grid grouping expand/collpase only certain groups

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EXTJS 4.0 : how to implement callback method for store.sync() method?

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ExtJS 4 - questions about MVC architecture, using MVC for component development

Extjs 4 add toolbar to panel dockeditems run-time

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ExtJS 4 RadioGroup Change Event Fires Twice

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ExtJS 4, customize boolean column value of Ext.grid.Panel

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How can I create a button initially hidden in ExtJS?

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Sort whole store in paging grid extjs 4

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Extjs Submenus disappear on Chrome 43