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Formatting numbers through ExtJS or javascript

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Extjs Grid - How to get width of column in renderer function

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Extjs4- Giving a default sort for a column after grid is loaded

Ext JS 4.1 MessageBox with text validation

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How to restrict file type using xtype filefield(extjs 4.1.0)?

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How can I get Date From DateField In ExtJs

How to add total row in grid footer in extjs

extjs4 display tooltip on button click instead of mouse hover

Extjs Submenus disappear on Chrome 43

Using Ext.grid.Panel.reconfigure() breaks the grids RowEditing plugin

How to format numeric field using dutch format in extjs?

Store do something after sync with autoSync enabled

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how to filter a extjs store with an exact match

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Hiding a component within a Border-Layout region programatically

How to load controller dynamically on particular event call in extjs4?

How to ignore null fields in ExtJS data models?

How to fix build error com.sencha.exceptions.ExProcess in extjs4.1