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are refs overriden or inherited in extjs?

How to enable console.log in ExtJs

Extjs4- Giving a default sort for a column after grid is loaded

How to get responsecode from store callback?

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Ext JS very slow check/uncheck nodes in tree since 4.2 version

ExtJS change position of default buttons in MessageBox (ExtJS 4.2.1)

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ExtJS 4 : Adding a button to a tab panel header

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Extjs Submenus disappear on Chrome 43

Align window to center of the page after changing width and height in ExtJs 4


ExtJS 4 How to set the width of a ComboBox

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extjs 4.2.1 - Radiogroup: add a radio button with a textbox

Check and uncheck nodes in treepanel

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ExtJs using Searchfield results in Exception "PageMap asked for range which it does not have"

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How to fix build error com.sencha.exceptions.ExProcess in extjs4.1

In ExtJS, how to handle master detail with updates to both tables

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ExtJs refresh of infinite scrolling grid panel

How can I make the rowediting plugin in extjs to not add a row when I hit cancel?

ExtJs 4.2 Themes

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Apply a loadmask to Viewport that also covers floating Components

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Removing records that exist in an array from ExtJS store

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