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New posts in belongs-to

Undefined method for a belongs_to association

Why is my user_id nil?

Deeply nested Rails forms using belong_to not working?

Best way to specify a default record for a has_many relationship in rails

Need some help for understanding search algorithms (A*, IDA*, DFS, BFS, IDDFS, etc. )

In Rails, what is the difference using "has_many with belongs_to" vs "has_many with has_one"?

Should I use has_one or belongs_to in ruby on rails?

Explain belongsTo in Grails

Multiple Associations to the Same Model in CakePHP 3

Zero or one association in ActiveRecord

Rails 3 - How do you create a new record from link_to

can Belongs_to work without has_many or has_one

ruby on rails has_one association with unique

Rails belongs_to does not set foreign key id with custom class name

Rails 3 - Nested resources and polymorphic paths: OK to two levels, but break at three

Ruby on Rails: Nested Attributes, belongs_to relation

Create association between two instancied objects

referencing attributes in models with belongs_to relationships through a nested namespace

Check if at least one record have a given attribute set to true

Rails: has_one and belongs_to with presence validation on both foreign keys