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New posts in default-scope

Override default scope in active_admin form.has_many

How can I allow Devise users to log in when they're outside my default scope?

applying a default scope with reference to a relation in yii

Rails: ActiveRecord's default_scope and class inheritance

Rails 3.1.3 unscoped scope

Rails 3 default scope, scope with override

Default_scope on a join table

default_scope in Sequel

default_scope breaks (update|delete|destroy)_all in some cases

ActiveRecord STI: How can I break out of the parent class' default scope

rails3 default_scope, and default column value in migration

How to override default_scope in ActiveAdmin in Rails

Override just the default scope (specifically order) and nothing else in Rails

How can i have rspec test for my default scope

default_scope and associations

Rails 4 default scope

Why is using the rails default_scope often recommend against?