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New posts in cluster-computing

MapReduce continuous execution

What's the benefit of advanced master election algorithms over bully algorithm?

Software needed to build a cluster


How are static objects treated while clustering?

R: making cluster in doParallel / snowfall hangs

How to develop (locally) and deploy Storm Topology (remotely)?

Clustered Singleton using Wildfly?

Kubernetes cluster is not exposing external ip as <nodes>

Connect to an Oracle cluster in Java

Why does Hibernate attempt to "cache" and how does this work in a clustered environment?

Clustering in Apache Camel: Multiple JVMs Same CamelContext

Connection to Redis cluster failed

spring boot application in cluster

Liferay Clustering

Move application to Websphere clusters

What is the difference between MR1 and MR2?

MySQL NDB Cluster + Hibernate

Running R in Batch Mode on Linux: Output Issues

Choosing configuration file to start elastic cluster

No recent books on MPI: is it dying? [closed]