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EJB 3.1 Generic DAO

ejb java-ee-6 dao

Configuring EJB on JBoss AS 7 using JTA datasources: every statement is commited

Hibernate vs. Entity Beans

hibernate ejb

What cannot be done without EJB

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When should I use POJO (instead of EJB) in a Java EE application?

java jakarta-ee ejb

JNDI Lookup of local EJB (no @EJB)

what is difference between rest web services vs ejb session beans? [closed]

java rest jakarta-ee ejb

How to resolve - JBAS014516: Failed to acquire a permit within 5 MINUTES

EJBs with main() - what is this all about?

Spring or CDI or EJB3 [closed]

spring jboss glassfish ejb cdi

Data Streaming from Java EE Application Server

JavaEE: Perform task at the end of a request/transaction

java jboss ejb java-ee-6 cdi

@EJB annotation vs JNDI lookup

Does @Asynchronous have a Timeout

Info log at Glassfish 4

java sql-server glassfish ejb

What kind of bean should I use to provide access to a pool of objects in EJB?

Clustered Singleton using Wildfly?

@Context injection in Stateless EJB used by JAX-RS

Are Enterprise Java Beans still useful when compared to Spring?

spring jakarta-ee ejb

New to EJB world... Null pointer exception in EJB client