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New posts in ejb-3.1

How to resolve - JBAS014516: Failed to acquire a permit within 5 MINUTES

EJB3 Remote vs Webservices, performances?

If EJB exposed @Remote interface, but you inject the EJB bean instead of its Remote interface, will this trigger a remote or local invocation?

jsf jakarta-ee ejb ejb-3.1

Can @ApplicationException's inheritance be overridden in EJB 3.1?

java ejb-3.1

EJB Interceptors vs CDI Interceptors

java java-ee-6 cdi ejb-3.1

Unresolved <ejb-link>

When CDI injection into POJO should work? (GlassFish v3)

java glassfish ejb cdi ejb-3.1

How to inject one EJB 3.1 into another EJB

LazyInitializationException with CDI Managed Bean and Stateful Session Bean

Spanning user information across multiple EJBs

java java-ee-6 ejb-3.1

JBoss 7.1.1 and the EJB 3.1 Timer Service

JBoss - how set deployment runtime name (not using CLI, but directly from ear/war)

jakarta-ee jboss ejb-3.1

Pattern to initialize an EJB that depends on another application EJB

Inject Spring beans into EJB3

CDI Extension for Flyway

cdi ejb-3.1 flyway

Spring vs EJB (advantage and disadvantage) [duplicate]

spring jakarta-ee ejb-3.1