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New posts in entitymanager

Hibernate Entity manager auto flush before query and commit changes to DB in transaction

Best practice to get EntityManger and UserTransaction from JSP

Correct using of Entity manager Find() method

hibernate entitymanager

How to use Symfony autowiring with multiple entity managers

How to use entityManager inside Entity?

detached entity passed to persist

Catch PersistenceException or ConstraintViolationException in JBoss AS 7

create entity manager programmatically without persistence file

LazyInitializationException with CDI Managed Bean and Stateful Session Bean

Symfony fetch/persist entity-oriented service naming conventions and best practice

Conflicting persistence unit definitions for name

JPA call method on lazy (not loaded) collection when detached not working as expected in Eclipselink

How do I tell if my EntityManager is using JTA or RESOURCE_LOCAL datasource?

jpa jta entitymanager

entityManager save and refresh

JPA Entity Manager - How to run SQL script file?

Database design for User, UserRole - many to many relationship

Prevent flush of EntityManager when selecting a given data

Symfony app stuck when getting EntityManager

Spring - Hibernate improve transaction performance with FlushMode

JPA desktop application single or multiple instances of EntityManager