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New posts in lazy-initialization

Why can't I lazy-initialize static long array like this in java?

Use a class decorator to implement late-initialization

Pass parameters to constructor, when initializing a lazy instance

How to cache method results in Ruby

ruby lazy-initialization

Covariant use of generic Lazy class in C#

LazyInitializationException with CDI Managed Bean and Stateful Session Bean

Lazy init an injected bean dependency (Spring 3)

Does it makes sense to use state pattern with virtual proxies?

Lazy initialization for free

Spring Data Mongo MongoDB DBRef lazy initialization

How to avoid constant synchronization during thread safe lazy initialization (not singleton solution)? [closed]

@OneToMany(EAGER) vs @LazyCollection(FALSE)&OneToMany(LAZY)

Are there any real downsides to lazy bean initialization?

How can I set the default behavior of lazy init in Spring Boot?

System.Lazy<T> and the System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode Enumeration

Lazy initialization / memoization without volatile

Is static init guaranteed NOT to run if class is not accessed?

Lambda's "this" capture returns garbage

How to have a C# readonly feature but not limited to constructor?

Difference when serializing a lazy val with or without @transient