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New posts in java-memory-model

Java Memory Model: volatiles and reads/writes reordering

Sequential consistency volatile explanation

Why no volatile?

Java - Happens before - volatile

Partial constructed objects in the Java Memory Model

Understanding intra-thread semantics

Memory allocation in Java - Android

compareAndSet memory effects of unsuccessful operations

Java 7 Memory Model same as JSR-133?

java java-memory-model

Why is volatile variable much more efficient than plain synchronization

Happens-before guarantee of Executor.submit()

Where JVM keeps information about reference and object types

java jvm java-memory-model

Java Memory Model and reordering operation

About reordering: Why this code throws RuntimeException despite using the volatile?

Does synchronized guarantee a thread will see the latest value of a non-volatile variable being modified by another thread?

How to understand JDK9 memory model?

How to find out where exact young/old gen is located in memory?

java jvm jmx java-memory-model

Implement Acquire/Release model by using volatile in java8

Is it guaranteed that volatile field would be properly initialized

CompletableFuture, mutable objects and memory visibility