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New posts in java-memory-model

Lazy initialization / memoization without volatile

Understanding Java memory model during context switches

What are the 'synchronized barriers'?

Happens-before and reordering of volatile

Can an Atomic compare and exchange overwrite a lazy write without seeing it?

How to understand JSR-133 Happens-Before is too Weak Figure6/7

java java-memory-model

Thread-safety of NIO2 CompletionHandler

java java-memory-model nio2

Thread-safe but fast access to an "eventually final" variable?

Java multi-threaded program using join() gives wrong results in calculating sum of adjacent numbers

What is difference between getXXXVolatile vs getXXX in java unsafe?

Understanding why is it unsafe to start a thread inside a constructor in terms of the Java memory model [duplicate]

Happens-Before relation in Java Memory Model

Does Java guarantee that currently synchronized objects are not garbage collected?

When instantiating a Java object, is an object of the parent class created automatically?

java java-memory-model

Can a non-thread-safe value be safely ported across thread boundaries using fork/join?

Is Thread.yield guaranteed to flush reads/writes to memory?

volatile with release/acquire semantics

Happens-before rules in Java Memory Model

Does Collection.parallelStream() imply a happens-before relationship?

Command pattern to pass application's activity methods?