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New posts in memory-barriers

In C++, is there any effective difference between a acquire/release atomic access and a relaxed access combined with a fence?

How is the transitivity/cumulativity property of memory barriers implemented micro-architecturally?

Does the memory fence involve the kernel

Can't relaxed atomic fetch_add reorder with later loads on x86, like store can?

Lazy loading and the use of Thread.MemoryBarrier

How do I write a memory barrier for a TMS320F2812 DSP?

Release and Acquire with std::mutex

Is this memory barrier implemented correctly?

c++ memory-barriers

How are the C++11 memory barriers implemented for x86-like systems?

Do memory barriers guarantee a fresh read in C#?

How many memory barriers instructions does an x86 CPU have?

Is there a good introduction to memory barriers?

Instruction Re-Ordering

c# .net memory-barriers

Does a pthread_cond_signal or pthread_cond_broadcast call imply a write memory barrier?

Double lock with volatile or memory barrier

sequentially-consistent atomic load on x86

Can memory store be reordered really, in an OoOE processor?

Why memory_order_release support until C++20?

c++ c++20 memory-barriers

What is the difference between load/store relaxed atomic and normal variable?

If I don't use fences, how long could it take a core to see another core's writes?