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New posts in java-memory-model

Does the synchronized construct in Java use internally (and somehow) the hardware primitive CAS operation?

StoreLoad Memory Barrier

Are assignments to non-volatile member variables in one thread guaranteed to be seen in another thread?

JMM guarantees about final as field and non final reference to the object

how to understand volatile example in Java Language Specification?

How to write a simple thread-safe class using a volatile variable?

What is the memory visibility of variables accessed in static singletons in Java?

java java-memory-model

Multithreaded Java Program for Conway's game of life - contention at the border cells

Java Memory Model: a JLS statement about sequential consistency seems incorrect

java java-memory-model jls

volatile + immutable holder object = thread safe?

Java LockSupport Memory Consistency

String pool is created in PermGen area or Object area of Heap

How can an immutable object, with non-final fields, be thread unsafe?

Does object construction guarantee in practice that all threads see non-final fields initialized?

Java Memory Model happens-before guarantees for Thread Pool interactions

Java memory model synchronization: how to induce data visibility bug?

Are synchronizes-with edegs compiler re-ordering barriers in both directions?

oom-killer kills java application in Docker - mismatch of memory usage reported

Value integrity guarantee for concurrent long writes in 64-bit OpenJDK 7/8

Are objects prefetched from an array of references in Java?