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New posts in double-checked-locking

Double checked locking on C++: new to a temp pointer, then assign it to instance

Explain race condition in double checked locking

Out-of-order writes for Double-checked locking

double checked locking - objective c

Is `volatile` required for double-checked locking in Java but not C#?

Again double-checked locking and C#

Lazy initialization for free

What's wrong with this fix for double checked locking?

Do I need to synchronize ConcurrentMap when adding key only if needed?

Resetting a field lazy-loaded with the double-check idiom

Double check lock optimization to implement thread-safe lazy-loading in Swift

How should "Double-Checked Locking" be implemented in Delphi?

Is this broken double checked locking?

Does this code solve the double checked locking issue in Java?

Singleton double-check concurrency issue

why is Immutable Objects safe in Double-Checked Locking?

Is my Double-Checked Locking Pattern implementation right?

Does Java synchronized keyword flush the cache?

PHP Threads and Synchronization

Why Double-Checked Locking is used at all?