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When are Property Imports Satisfied?

c# mef

Why the cross-threading exception raises only when debugging? [duplicate]

asp.net dynamically loading assemblies

Visual Studio 2010 extension get selected text

MEF: Component authentication

MEF Generic Imports

c# generics mef

Is it possible to inject an existing instance into a MEF plugin?

c# .net-4.0 mef

Detecting a MEF assembly at runtime

c# mef

How to use Moq to satisfy a MEF import dependency for unit testing?

c# .net unit-testing moq mef

MEF: Mark interface for export

.net mef

Is it possible to parameterize a MEF import?

.net mef composition



Can't find System.ComponentModel.Composition with .NET Framework 4 installed

mvvm mef caliburn

How to replace an exported part / object in a MEF container?

c# .net mef

Custom MEF ExportAttribute with AllowMultiple=true causes duplication

MEF: difference between GetExportedValue and SatisfyImports

MEF and unit testing with NUnit

Why use MEF metadata instead of just extending the interface to include the metadata?


Register custom file type with custom UI editor in Visual Studio 2010

Menu item for each module, with module content loading dynamically with Prism or MEF

wpf mvvm navigation prism mef