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New posts in system.componentmodel

Is MarshalByValueComponent still used or useful?

MEF and unit testing with NUnit

Linq expressions and extension methods to get property name

How to export a type in MEF as if the Export Attribute had been applied to that type?

Working with System.ComponentModel

Is there a way to automatically create DependencyProperty in MVVM

System.ComponentModel.BindingList: Add(object) vs. AddNew()

Get Description Attributes From a Flagged Enum

System.ComponentModel namespace usage

Difference between ISupportInitialize (BeginInit/EndInit) and SuspendLayout/ResumeLayout

.NET Component Model explanation

How to add property-level Attribute to the TypeDescriptor at runtime?

SerializationStore not finding references

.NET: How do I invoke a delegate on a specific thread? (ISynchronizeInvoke, Dispatcher, AsyncOperation, SynchronizationContext, etc.)

How have you used IContainer/ISite/IComponent in your own code? [duplicate]

When and why we should to use class System.ComponentModel.Container?

c# system.componentmodel

Data Binding POCO Properties

What is the difference between IEditableObject and IRevertibleChangeTracking?

When and why should I implement IComponent, IContainer, and ISite?

How do I specify the maximum column length of a field using entity framework code first