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New posts in .net-remoting

Is MarshalByValueComponent still used or useful?

Access COM objects on another box from .NET (without deprecated DCOM, remoting)

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Checking if an object exists after calling Activator.GetObject

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Getting Error with .NET REMOTING C#


Best way to move files of varying sizes across slow network using .NET

Event not firing through AppDomain

How do I communicate an event between App Domains?

COM Interop, RPC server is unavailable in c#

replacing MarshalByRefObject with safer option in C#

c# wcf .net-remoting

How do the ISponsor and ILease interfaces work?

Difference between Serializable and MarshalByRefObject

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.net remoting: Update already serialized objects

c# .net client .net-remoting

Select specific channel on Activator.GetObject

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Any 'quick wins' to make .NET remoting faster on a single machine?

.Net Remoting: Indicate which local interface to use to connect to one server

What causes "Tcp channel protocol violation expecting preamble" in .NET Remoting?

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What happens under the cover when you return a Stream from a remote object via .NET Remoting