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Access data in Excel - Reuter from python

python excel com win32com

What is the meaning of 0x800a1421 HRESULT?

c++ com ole

Errors when calling certain Excel VBA macros from C#

Passing NULL to ref/out parameter of a COM interface method

c# com null interop com-interop

How to read COM TypeLib with C# or C++?

c# java c++ com typelib

VariantChangeType and overflow

Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040111 (CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE)

c# .net wpf dll com

Why I can call StringFromCLSID even without the calling of CoInitializeEx before?

c++ winapi visual-c++ com

Why does iterating a Hashtable with `For Each` not work in VBScript?

.net vbscript com

Enabling DOTNET COM extension in PHP 5.6.12

php .net com php-extension

How to deal with COM (un)initialization from a library perspective?

delphi com

Accessing COM Interface with JNA

java com jna

How to call a COM object from C#

c# com com-interop

C# wrapper interface error: E_NOINTERFACE

c# com rcw

How could HRESULT appear in an MIDL file?

c# c++ com interop

What is IconnectionPoint and EventHandling

Using a 32 Bit Com Object from a 64 Bit IFilter

COM-Interop: Change .NET Framework Version from 2.0 to 4.0 - Should I change the Guids also?

c# .net com activex com-interop

Passing objects from C# to VBA using COM Interop

c# excel vba com interop

How to stop a Delphi 6 COM server application re-registering with COM at startup