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How to create a SafeArray C#?

Visual C++: InvokeHelper() function

c++ visual-c++ com

Would adding a new function to the existing COM interface break its binary compatibility?


Said, "Assembly successfully added to the cache" but it's not in the cache

CoCreateInstance exact match in .NET?

c# .net windows com interop

COM reference name changes across versions (Win7 CERTCLIENTLib to Win8 CERTCLILib)

How to access COM object within a BackgroundWorker?

.net wpf multithreading com sta

Is this .tlh file correct, and if not, then how do I generate the correct one?

c# c++ com unmanaged managed

How do I invoke the MIDL compiler to generate a .TLB file (type library) from an .IDL file?

winapi com idl typelib midl

Using a COM DLL in delphi - Access violation in MSVCR80D.dll error

.net delphi com dll delphi-2006

Can't instantiate COM component in C# - error 80070002

c# com interop com-interop

How to add a reference to Photoshop CS4 COM in C#

difference between server.createObject and createobject in asp classic

Register ActiveX exe server using WiX

Dump the interface exposed by a COM object

com activex

Expose a class as STA COM

c# .net com

Can a Registration-Free COM component be used without registering it on the development machine?

Regasm - Unable to locate input assembly

.net com regasm

Does 64 bit ActiveX exist?

com 64-bit activex

COM method offsets in Delphi

delphi com vtable