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New posts in .net-assembly

asp.net dynamically loading assemblies

Loading assemblies from memory when hosting the CLR in unmanaged programs

"Could not load file or assembly..." DotNetOpenAuth + MVC3

Said, "Assembly successfully added to the cache" but it's not in the cache

AssemblyInfo without loading

Accessing newly signed third party DLL gives error

how to find method in assembly file in hex?

How to resolve "The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference." error?

.net reload assembly at runtime

c# .net unity3d .net-assembly

.NET assemblies memory usage

c# .net dll .net-assembly

How to use Microsoft Fakes Assemblies on Process.Start

User.Identity.Name - which assembly reference brings that into your project?

Assembly.Load performance impact

How to compile C# DLL on the fly, Load, and Use

Adding this project will cause a circular dependency

c# .net wpf .net-assembly

Could not load file or assembly 'Antlr3.Runtime' or one of its dependencies

.net iis .net-assembly

C# Get Startup Project's Assembly Name

c# reflection .net-assembly

ASP.NET Core 5.0 error CS0012: The type 'Object' is defined in assembly 'mscorlib

Is it a bad practice to use a digital signature to sign a strongly named assembly?

Assembly.GetTypes - why use this if GetExportedTypes is available?

c# .net-assembly